Massive Government Equity Apprenticeship Program Grants Benefits Unions

The US Department of Labor launched a massive Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grant Program this month. The difference between this and programs of the past is the inclusion of equity as a basis to obtain the grant, and unions to help deliver them. Expansion and creation of new equity funding based programs are an integral…

US Department of Labor announces Apprenticeship Building America program, $113M in available funds to strengthen, modernize Registered Apprenticeships

Up to $50M designated for?equity partnerships, pre-apprenticeship activities WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a grant program to strengthen, modernize, expand and diversify its Registered Apprenticeship Program to enable more workers to earn while they learn and find reliable pathways to the middle class. Part of President Biden’s ongoing strategy to strengthen…


Covid Vaccine Ambassadors To Knock on Doors

Two US Covid-19 clinical trials aim to determine if people can essentially convince others to get the vaccine by visiting them in person. The intent is to ‘educate’ minorities in historically poor areas with low vaccination rates about how safe vaccines are. One study requires four contacts within 30 days. If the person has not…