
Covid Vaccine Ambassadors To Knock on Doors

Two US Covid-19 clinical trials aim to determine if people can essentially convince others to get the vaccine by visiting them in person. The intent is to ‘educate’ minorities in historically poor areas with low vaccination rates about how safe vaccines are. One study requires four contacts within 30 days. If the person has not been vaccinated yet, there will be another follow up at the 60 day point.

I think four touches within 30 days sounds a lot coercion. Should the federal government be sending locally trained ambassadors to peoples homes? How safe is that for the ambassadors? How safe is that for the residents they’re going to? What is the fall out of ‘educating’ people about vaccines without relative data to an individuals health and risk situation?

How safe are the vaccines? The safety data requested through freedom of information act and senators and other elected leaders has yet to be released to the public. There is no long term study because they are all new. The entire premise of safety is predicated on the idea that the vaccine side effects are better than getting Covid disease.

Impact of LA-CEAL HALT COVID-19 Ambassador Program on Likelihood to Vaccinate
This trial intends to reach 100 participants. HALT COVID Ambassadors will receive training to answer common vaccine questions & address misconceptions; conduct motivational interviewing; and implement basic behavioral economics and related strategies to remove barriers to vaccination. A random sample of FQHC patients will be identified in EHR data downloads of adult patients seen in the last year and contacted by telephone to gain consent and assess eligibility. A total of 100 individuals will be enrolled into the trial and randomized to intervention (engagement with the HALT COVID Ambassador over a 1 month period via in-person or virtual sessions exploring their own questions and concerns about vaccines) or usual care (no extra engagement). Baseline, 1-month, and 2-month follow-up surveys will assess for vaccine likelihood.

COVID-2019 Testing and Vaccination Among African American and Latinx Public Housing Residents

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