school bond blocked from ballot

Whoo hoo! The Broward County School Board killed a proposal to put a record $749 million dollar loan on the November ballot. The loan was for building new schools, upgrades etc. However, there were no details!

We’ve seen what happens in the past with ‘unplanned’ monies. Recall our own little debacle for the  LHP Sample Road project. You remember voting for it, right? It happens all the time. If a dollar amount is out there, someone will find a way to spend it, whether it is the most effective and necessary solution or not.

We cannot hand blank checks to any county or government administration. First do your homework, then ask for the money. For the record:

For the loan: Beverly Gallagher, Benjamin Williams, Maureen Dinnen, Robin Bartleman

Against the loan (without budget details): Robert Parks, Darla Carter, Marty Rubenstein, Stephanie Kraft.

Remember- the school board dollars are the single largest item on your property tax bill. Whether you have kids in school or not, this should be of concern to all BC residents.

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