Cheaper ways to heat your Florida pool

Back in the 90’s a company I worked for was hired to create marketing materials for an innovative new line of pool heat pumps. I didn’t own a pool at the time, but I certainly had heard the stories about how expensive it was to heat them.

The guys had invented or were marketing products that resulted in 80% savings vs electrical resistance pool heating systems, and 52% vs natural gas. At the time I was thinking about putting in a pool in my new home so I tucked away one of the brochures, which I just found cleaning out my files. With savings statistics like that, I knew the company had a winner.

Fast forward and the company has since been bought out or otherwise dissolved. After the Jandy merger over a decade ago, Zodiac Pool and Spa dominates the pool heating market and is the first place to start looking for a pool heater. If you have an old system, upgrading to a new one is environmentally friendly and a whole lot cheaper to use.

Solar systems cost less to use, but they cost more to buy. It boils down to feeling good about the type of solution you’re installing and peace of mind for maintenance. This is a great comparison site for solar pool heating vs any other type of pool heating.
Heliocol solar pool heating

In our Lighthouse Point neighborhood, pool use declines significantly from December to May due to heating costs, or simply not having a heater. After spending $30,000 and up for a pool, doesn’t it make sense to keep it comfortable for use year round?

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